hello, world
hi friend, i’m lou and i’m happy you’re here
while blogs are great, the real magic happens in the connection between us. I have thoughts — lots of them — and some even worth putting out in the world. but my goal with this blog is to invite deeper conversation and exploration.
the interesting thing about blogs is they’re snapshots of thought, and hopefully i’ll grow and improve these thoughts as I experience the world more and challenge what I thought I knew. so my commitment is to continue learning, growing, and sharing my insights — especially if I end up evolving and finding a new perspective.
I once had a mentor who imparted the idea of having “strong opinions, loosely held”. this idea continues to resonate with me, and my interpretation of it is to live my life with intention, guided by principles I feel strongly about but am not so attached to as to compromise growth or deny my authenticity. I do not claim to have it all figured out, but I am committed to the journey of figuring it out, knowing I will never arrive at that destination.
I hope our journeys overlap and that we learn something from each other.