Embracing Change: The Gentle Art of Moving On
Dear friends,
Let's talk about something we all grapple with: the idea that not everything has to be falling apart for us to step into a new chapter.
Have you ever been in a situation that feels a bit like wearing shoes that are a tad too snug -- not necessarily bad, but not quite right? Maybe they're shoes you’ve had for a while and are used to; maybe they were a gift you didn’t really want but feel bad giving up.
You may not realize that these shoes aren’t just taking up closet space -- they’re crowding your mental and emotional space space, too. Continually ignoring the internal cues that something isn’t right can be really damaging to our self-trust over time; and the relationship we have with ourselves is the longest relationship we’re going to have, so why not make it a healthy one?
Now, I'm all for embracing imperfections, but if your circumstances are stifling your fulfillment more often than not, it's worth reevaluating with fresh perspective. When I left Denver, it wasn't that I no longer loved the city or community I created; it just wasn’t the right fit anymore. I didn’t have a clear idea where I wanted to go next, but being open to the possibility allowed for a next step to manifest. Sometimes, you've got to acknowledge, "This isn't wrong, it's just not right for me."
I've exited jobs, moved cities, and said goodbye to relationships that may not have been actively harmful but did stifle parts of me that I was excited to express. I’m even reminded of periods of my life when first acknowledging my queerness; it took longer than it could have to explore parts of myself because the relationships and places I was in either weren’t safe or didn’t value cultivating curiosity or expression, and I didn’t yet have the skills to do that for myself. Ultimately, closing those chapters created space for something new.
I also think it’s important to acknowledge that privilege plays a tremendous role when we talk about making changes in our lives. Limited access to resources or a supportive community are very real challenges; ignoring that dismisses our experience and can even invite shame into the situation, with judgements about how things "should" look a different way.
You don't have to stick around until things wither on the vine – it's about gently and intentionally pruning to make room for fresh growth. So, fellow explorers, you don't need to fear letting go; you deserve to allow the next beautiful chapter to unfold. 🌱💫